Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Everything is Stupid

Well, the EU Parliament just voted to make the internet read-only for its subjects who are unaffiliated with entertainment companies. I don't know how much longer I'll be allowed to upload images--or use Blogger at all, it'll be easier for Google to just wall off all the EU IP addresses--but [hippie voice] maybe the thing with creating is the creating itself and not trying to share it with human beings who live outside my house. 

[real voice] Nyah, that's bullshit. I need people to look at what I do and tell me it looks cool.

Anyway, this afternoon after it all went down I forced myself Outside into the cold, damp wind, because I keep hearing this rumor that walking through the woods can improve your mood.  The trees are being culled so fast, I'm not sure I can call it walking "through the woods" much longer. So, no improvement there. Everything is just as stupid, but now I'm frozen through and need an allergy pill.

It was too windy to use the camera's hi-def on flowers but it has some crazy artsy-fartsy-filter settings. Completely useless for identifiable photos of things, but alright for fucking around in a cemetery when you're in a bad mood anyway.

It's like a movie poster from the Weimar Era.
It's actually a quote from Francis of Assisi. "[He] who dies awakens to eternal life."

No post-processing except the watermark.
The sun came out while I was walking, but you'd never know from the photographs.

Can doves be goths?

I'll end with a straight photo--there are some very nice examples of traditional Bavarian painted metal grave decorations in this cemetery, and I want to learn more about the techniques and symbolism and heritage so I can write something serious about them someday.

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