Thursday, December 19, 2019


I am still oozing goo. And coughing.  It's boring. So boring.

R has been on me to sell the things I make.  This means making things specifically to sell, since everything I make for myself is odd and/or primitive and no one will spend money for weird crap with the knots showing.  I've been experimenting with some concepts.

Story time: When I was 7 or 8 or so, someone gave me a tissue holder made of green velvet with gold sequins. I have no idea where it came from, church bazaar or Avon, who knows. I thought that was the coolest thing. Velvet and sequins were *classy* and hiding your tissues seemed so grown-up!  I never had any packs of tissues to put in it--too expensive, just fold up some tissues from the box in the bathroom for your purse and stop wanting things!--but it stayed in my box of treasures until I went to college and my little brother took over my room and everything I didn't take with me got lost or destroyed.

I didn't think about it until I moved here, where plastic tissue packs are more common than giant boxes of tissues. You even get them free at the pharmacies when you make a purchase.

Maybe other little kids would like tissue holders.

The pattern for the holder was in German (so they fit German tissues) and came from a French blog that no longer exists, linked from a Czech blog that was pinned to Pinterest.  The eyes and nose are my own design. I'm going to start putting eyes and noses on *everything*.

These are gifts. If they go over well I will make more.  I need to get some ribbons with my name to sew into the seams as a signature.

Everything needs Muppet eyes.

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